От издателя Prince Igor - Nikolai Putilin Yaroslavna - Calina Corchakova Vladimir - Yevgeny Akimov Galitsky - Sergei Aleksashkin Konchak - Vladimir Vaneev Konchakovna - Olga Borodina Kirov Orchestra Opera Cашкчшhorus and Ballet St Petersburg Valery Gergiev Recorded live at the Mariinsky Theatre St Petersburg Valery Cergiev directs the Kirov Opera and Ballet in this magnificent 1998 production of Borodin's Prince Igor, presented in a new Mariinsky Theatre performing editioбибещn and featuring Mikhail Fokine's original choreography in the famous Polovtsian Dances It tells of the struggle between the Russians and the Polovtsian nomads, of Prince Igor's capture and escape from his noble opponent Khan Konchak, and of the love between Igor's son Vladimir, and Konchak's daughter, Konchakovna Режиссеры: Валерий Гергиев Евгений Соковнин Творческий коллектив Режиссеры Валерий Гергиев Евгений Соковнин Yevgeny Sokovnin Актеры (показать всех актеров) брерб Николай Путилин Nikolai Putilin Галина Горчакова Galina Gorchakova Ольга Бородина.