От издателя Olivier Simonnet's unique cinematographic: interpretation presents Cecilia Bartoli in virtuoso arias written for the castrato stars of the Neapolitan school, filmed on location at the magnificent ашкъвBaroque Palace of Caserta in Southern Italy Spectacular settings including the Court Theatre and Palace Gardens, and historically inspired costumes, place the great arias of the Italian Baroque within their cultural context Nicola Purpora Come nave in mezzo all'ondeбибзл Parto, ti lascio, о саra In braccio a mille furie Nobil onda Usignolo sventurato Sinfonia from Germanico in Germanic Giacomelli Sposa, non mi conosci Francesco Araia Cadro, ma qual si mira Riccardo Broschi Son qual nave George Frideric Handel Ombra mai fu Продюсер: Пирр-Оливер Бардет Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Special bonus features include an illustrated interview in which Cecilia Bartoli discusses her Sacrificium project, and a guide to the Pбрерфalace City and region of Caserta Буклет Хронометраж: 22 минуты, Звуковая дорожка: Итальянский Dolby Digital 20 Субтитры: Английский / Французский / Итальянский / Немецкий / Испанский Актер Чечилия Бартоли (Исполнитель) Cecilia Bartoli.